Наукові конференції України, XIV Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція здобувачів вищої освіти та молодих учених

Розмір шрифту: 
Daria Tarasiuk

Остання редакція: 2024-05-08

Тези доповіді

1.Founding and Architects: Founded on August 31, 1898, with architects Hieronym Kitner and Oleksandr Kobelyev.2.First Rector: Viktor Kirpichov.Evacuation and Restoration: In 1941, the institute was evacuated to Tashkent. The deoccupation of Kyiv in November 1943 allowed theinstitute to resume its work.3.Students' Exemption and Scholarship: Included in the list of important industrial and transport universities, students were exempted fromconscription and provided with increased scholarships.4.Prominent Personalities: Throughout its existence, the institute has had notable staff and students, commemorated with monuments oncampus.5.Expansion and Collaboration: Actively developed, the institute became the basis for expanding the network of universities. It includedfamous Ukrainian educational institutions and collaborated with industrial enterprises.6.Current Status: Today, the institute remains a leading technical university in Ukraine, actively developing modern teaching technologiesand conducting scientific research.7.Size and Campus: The university is the largest higher education institution in Ukraine, operating on a 160-hectare campus, offeringfacilities for education, sports, and cultural development.8.Open-Air Museum: The university serves as an open-air museum with numerous old buildings, monuments, sculptures, and historicvehicles on display, including a tank locomotive and aircraft.

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